Faculty Development Porgramme On Novel Materials Held In SOA

Bhubaneswar: A Faculty Development Program (FDP) titled ‘Novel Materials and its Engineering Applications’ was held at the Institution of Technical Education and Research (ITER), the faculty of engineering and technology at SOA, spanning from December 18 to 23.
Sponsored by the AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL), the event was inaugurated by SOA Vice-Chancellor Prof. Pradipta Kumar Nanda and organized by ITER’s Mechanical Engineering department.
Several participants from technical institutions across Odisha attended the program, featuring insights from experts representing national-level technical organizations, research centers, and industries. The FDP aimed to foster the exchange of ideas concerning challenges and issues encountered in novel materials and their applications across diverse engineering fields.
Various topics were covered in different sessions including MXene-based materials for sustainable development, 3D printing of novel materials, stress management, the waste-to-worth approach in industry for sustainability, new materials for automotives, and novel adhesive materials for engineering applications. Among others Prof. Saroj Kumar Acharya, Head of the Mechanical Engineering department, Prof. Sankar Narayan Das, the program’s Coordinator, and Dr. Tapaswinee Das, the Co-coordinator attended the pogramme.