CM Naveen Inaugurates KIMS Rural Hospital & Kalarabank Smart Village In Odisha

CM Naveen Inaugurates KIMS Rural Hospital & Kalarabank Smart Village In Odisha

Bhubaneswar:  Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on March 12 inaugurated the newly constructed KIMS Kalarabank Rural Hospital in Cuttack district and launched the Kalarabank Smart Village. Addressing the gathering virtually, the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of individuals contributing to the betterment of their villages and hometowns. He commended Dr. Achyuta Samanta, the Founder of KIIT and KISS, for his relentless dedication to improving his village and birthplace. “Every life holds value,” he affirmed, highlighting the government’s commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services to the people of Odisha, with institutions like KIMS playing a pivotal role.

Dr. Samanta, in his welcoming speech, credited the Chief Minister’s leadership for the progress made in various sectors, from education to healthcare. He outlined the vision of extending urban amenities to every village, citing the inauguration of KIMS Rural Hospital in Kalarabanka and the ongoing construction of similar facilities across 19 locations in Odisha.

Detailing the amenities available in Kalarabanka, Dr. Samanta enumerated a range of urban facilities, from educational institutions to banking services, health insurance, and Wi-Fi connectivity. He noted the employment opportunities generated directly and indirectly through these initiatives.

Regarding the forthcoming hospitals, Dr. Samanta disclosed plans for each hospital to accommodate 100 beds, with an estimated construction cost of 50 crores each. These hospitals, equipped with modern amenities and air-conditioning, will provide advanced healthcare services. Furthermore, he announced the employment of 150 young individuals in each rural hospital, operating under the auspices of KIMS Bhubaneswar.

CM Naveen Inaugurates KIMS Rural Hospital & Kalarabank Smart Village In Odisha

Cuttack Sadar MLA Chandrasarathi Behera hailed the Chief Minister’s visionary leadership, attributing Odisha’s progress across various sectors to his guidance. He lauded Dr. Samanta’s exemplary work in health and education, which has not only transformed Kalarabanka but also serves as a model for others.

The event was attended by 5T and Naveen Odisha Chairman Karthik Pandian, Cuttack Collector Vineet Bharadwaj. Over 2000 individuals from Manpur Panchayat and surrounding areas participated in the programme at Kalarabank.