TPSODL Observes ‘Earth Hour’

Berhampur: In a concerted endeavor to confront the pressing issues of environmental degradation and the adverse effects of climate change, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPSODL) actively participated in the global initiative known as ‘Earth Hour’. This significant initiative aims to inspire consumers to devote a symbolic 60 minutes to the betterment of our planet by voluntarily turning off their lights from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM on March 23rd.
The response to TPSODL’s involvement in ‘Earth Hour’ has been nothing short of remarkable, resonating deeply across the entirety of the organization. Not only did the company’s call center faithfully observe the designated hour in dedication to our planet, but employees also wholeheartedly embraced the spirit of ‘Earth Hour’ within their own homes and local environments.
Furthermore, recognizing the pivotal role of education in fostering sustainable practices, TPSODL took proactive steps to raise awareness within the community by orchestrating a series of enlightening events at numerous schools throughout Southern Odisha. These events served as platforms for hundreds of students to express their ingenuity and commitment to sustainability through the creation of captivating posters and drawings, effectively disseminating the message of environmental stewardship far and wide.