Punjab man arrested for impersonating girlfriend in recruitment test

Punjab man arrested for impersonating girlfriend in recruitment test

Chandigarh: In an attempt to express the depth of his love and affection, a young man endeavored to assume the identity of his girlfriend during a multi-purpose health workers exam in Punjab. Angrez Singh, hailing from Fazilka in Punjab, donned the appearance of his girlfriend, Paramjit Kaur, with the intention of taking her exam on January 7, as reported by The Tribune.

However, Angrez Singh’s plan unraveled when his fingerprint failed to correspond with the biometric data of his girlfriend. Going to great lengths to mimic Paramjit, he went so far as to wear makeup, red bangles, a bindi, lipstick, and even a ladies’ suit, resembling an entry in a fancy dress competition.

The incident unfolded during a multi-purpose health workers exam organized by the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences at DAV Public School in Kotkapura on January 7. University authorities promptly reported the forgery attempt to the police, leading to an investigation.

During the course of the police inquiry, it was discovered that Angrez Singh had utilized fake voter and Aadhaar cards in an effort to establish his identity as Paramjit Kaur. However, his elaborate ruse came to an end when the biometric device exposed the discrepancy in fingerprints. As a consequence, legal action is now pending against Angrez Singh for his fraudulent actions.