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Former MP Kharabela Swain To Fight Balasore LS Seat As Independent Candidate

Former MP Kharabela Swain To Fight Balasore LS Seat As Independent Candidate

Balasore: In the unfolding political saga of Odisha, former MP and senior BJP leader Kharabela Swain declared his intent to contest the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections from the Balasore constituency, albeit as an independent candidate. This significant move follows swiftly on the heels of the BJP’s decision to reaffirm their support for Pratap Sarangi, the incumbent MP, by nominating him once again for the very same seat.

In a statement laden with political nuance, Swain articulates his intention to carry forth his campaign under the banner of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, deferring the ultimate judgment to the discerning electorate to ascertain the authentic essence of the BJP. However, amidst this assertion of independent candidacy, Swain is unequivocal in expressing his allegiance to the BJP, delineating that while he harbors no intentions of severing ties with the party, he remains susceptible to any punitive measures the party may deem necessary. Nevertheless, he maintains an unwavering commitment to rejoining the BJP fold upon securing victory in the electoral arena.

Unveiling a narrative of internal discord, Swain, a veteran of three terms in the parliamentary realm, lays bare allegations of a clandestine faction within the BJP orchestrating the denial of his candidacy. This revelation reverberates against the backdrop of the BJP’s recent announcement of candidates for 18 out of the 21 Lok Sabha constituencies in Odisha, a decision which notably sidelines four incumbent MPs, including Suresh Pujari of Bargarh, Bisheswar Tudu of Mayurbhanj, and Basant Kumar Panda of Kalahandi.

Despite the apparent fissures within the party ranks, Swain extends a conciliatory hand, embracing the party’s decision and reaffirming his steadfast commitment to its cause, vowing to persist as a dedicated foot soldier in its service.

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